Bethesda Friends Meeting

Belief Statements ("Minutes")

BFM Statements of Belief are commonly called “Minutes”

  • A “Minute” is a statement of belief that an individual or group would like to record for others to see, both now and in the future about a certain topic or person.
  • At Bethesda Friends Meeting (BFM), each Minute is recorded in the minutes of our Business Meetings, and each one is held as a permanent record of our Meeting’s convictions. 
  • A Minute will become part of the history of this Meeting. It can be used to stimulate thought and discussion among other Meetings and/or to inform various decision-makers beyond our Meeting of our deeply held beliefs.

An Urgent Call to Protect Human Life and bring a Just Peace

to Palestine and Israel

At the January 7, 2024 Bethesda Friends Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, a Minutes about the violence in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel was approved by BFM. Please click here to read this Minute. 

Privacy and the State

At the July 17, 2022 Bethesda Friends Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, a Minute on "Privacy and the State" was accepted by BFM. Please click here to read this Minute. 

 Alice Paul and her Quaker Witness

On June 2, 2019, at the Bethesda Friends Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business, the Peace and Social Justice Committee asked that the Meeting accept a Minute that related to an Alice Paul essay written by Roger Burns. The Minute was accepted as written below.   

"As we approach the centennial of the 19th Amendment in 2020, which extended the voting franchise to American women as a matter of law, the Bethesda Friends Meeting urges friends around the country to lift up the story and example of Friend Alice Paul, who made such a major contribution to the passage of that Amendment. We believe that Alice Paul is an important and admirable example of Quaker values in action and social witness. To that end, we recommend that Friends read the essay “Alice Paul and Her Quaker Witness” by Roger Burns, which is an introduction to Alice Paul’s inspiring life and work from a Quaker perspective."  

 The essay "Alice Paul and Her Quaker Witness" can be accessed at this link.

Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Peace Minutes

The Baltimore Yearly Meeting Peace and Social Concerns Committee works to bring to life the testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends.

  • In August 2017, Baltimore Yearly Meeting approved this minute at their annual sessions:

"Minute regarding Consideration of US Renewed Military Action Against North Korea."

Please click here to read more details about this Minute and the BYM Peace & Social Concerns committee.

Selected “minutes” of Bethesda Friends Meeting

  1. Minute on Marriages under the Care of Bethesda Friends Meeting. Minute on Marriages (2015)
  2. Prevention and Peaceful Resolution of International Conflicts. Peace Epistle (1996)

Bethesda Friends Meeting

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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