Bethesda Friends Meeting

Child Care for Infants through Pre-K

Child Care (6 mo through pre-K)

Please click here for our Summer Schedule

SCHOOL YEAR SCHEDULE (early Sept until early June):

Whenever we hold in-person Meeting for Worship on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m., BFM also offers child care in the Sidwell Friends Day Care room on the lower level of the Meetinghouse.

  • Child care is for ages 6 months through pre-Kindergarten.
  • Child/youth care can be requested for other in-person events (such as weddings or  memorial services) for children ages 6 months through 6th Grade.

On Sundays, please bring your child directly to the Child Care Room before Meeting begins.
The room opens at 10:40 am. Pickup is by 12:20 pm.

  • Parents or caregivers must sign their children in and out of care.
  • If you are a first-time attender or visitor, please fill out our registration form when you sign in. 
  • Please see any changes to the schedule in our weekly Bulletin

The child care room is staffed by two adults, usually two paid, early childhood professionals. On occasion the second adult might be a BFM volunteer.

  • The room has cribs and changing tables. There are a variety of toys as well as crayons, books, and play clay for different age levels. Snacks are water and pretzels or crackers (Ritz or Graham). 

Special note: Summer Playground Supervision

  • During the summer (Early June to early September) and on Sundays when there is no First Day School program for K-8, we combine our younger and older children with playground supervision, overseen by three of our paid child care providers. 
  • To include your children to playground supervision, please sign in with the child care providers in the lower level of the Meetinghouse at 10:45, before worship begins.   
  • In some cases, we might have to ask a parent of a child under age 3 to assist us if there are several youngsters who are not independently mobile or if the age group is very diverse. 
  • Our goal is to allow all parents to attend Worship, but in the case of an unforeseen circumstance, we may find ourselves needing parents to partner with us in child care for our youngest little ones. 
  • Please ask the child care caregivers in the childcare room for more information on playground supervision for children under age 3.  

    Volunteer to help the Child Care Providers

    We appreciate when BFM attenders and members can join the paid, professional child care provider in the Child Care Room or on the playground as a volunteer. If you've been attending BFM for a full year (or are a parent), you can volunteer as an assistant.

    Can you volunteer? Please email

    • You will given a link to a Sign-Up Genius form to pick the Sunday that fits your schedule. 

    Bethesda Friends Meeting

    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

    Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

    We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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