Hospitality (how to serve)
Are you or your committee assisting with Hospitality?
These instructions are provided to help guide your committee. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the clerk of the Fellowship and Hospitality Committee (name and contact information in the BFM Directory).
GENERAL HOSPITALITY INSTRUCTIONSSupplies (coffee, tea, sugar, dry foods, paper goods, cups, tablecloths) are stored in the large plastic boxes in the window seats in the library. The purpose of the plastic containers is to keep dirt and rodents out of our supplies, so please make sure to keep the lids tightly sealed. DO NOT LEAVE ANY FOOD, EXCEPT COFFEE AND TEA SUPPLIES, IN THE PLASTIC CONTAINERS IN THE LIBRARY. Some food (such as crackers and dips) and drinks can be stored in the downstairs refrigerator in the Meetinghouse.
There are extra supplies in the blue metal cabinet in the corner of the Multipurpose Room in the Groome Building. The Committee buys economical and environmental-friendly paper goods in bulk to avoid emergency trips to Giant. If supplies are low in either place, please email or call the clerks of the Hospitality Committee.
If you need to buy cups or plates, please be sure that they are recyclable, NOT Styrofoam or plastic. If you need to purchase supplies, always give your expense to the Assistant Treasurer so that we know what our actual costs are. Remember, you can be reimbursed or you can donate your expense as a "Gift in Kind." In both cases, please use the BFM Expense Reimbursement Request Form at
Before Sunday
Someone in the group should email the group from the previous week to see what foods are left over. This helps you use up the oldest food first, not over-buy when there are a lot of leftovers, and avoid missing essentials. Who did last week’s coffee hour? List of who does coffee hour is in the front of the Directory. Or ask F&H. Or ask your committee clerk.
Those assigned for the current week should email each other to arrange who will bring what. Typical needs are about 2 gallons of juice, a tray of cut-up veggies with dip, 1-2 pounds of cut-up cheese, 2 boxes of crackers, and some fruit such as grapes (or make your own choice). Cut up all items into “grab and go” portions. A dessert or cookies are a plus. Mix up the juices among sugar free, cold tea, and real fruit juices.
Check the downstairs refrigerator for leftover juice or food. A tray labeled "BFM" holds our leftover juices, and a similarly labeled crisper drawer holds our leftover food.
Set up: Arrive at meeting by 10:15.
Keep watch over tables during coffee hour to make sure supplies are adequate, mop up spills, etc.
Clean up:
1. When most people have left, clean up everything, dump left over hot water in bathroom sink, return all supplies to their proper place, and pick up all the crumbs or vacuum the carpet (vacuum sweepers are in closet). If dry tea or coffee goods are in the window seat, be sure they are in CLOSED, LATCHED plastic or metal bins, otherwise we’ll have a rodent infestation.
2. Take trash bags and recycling to the dumpster and recycling receptacles. The dumpster is through the garage entrance to the loading dock underneath the gym off Beverly Street. See # 6 at The wheeled recycling receptacles are in the same area, to the right of the exit from the garage. You can also take them home to dispose of yourself. (NOTE: if you drive to the garage, the doors open automatically. And they also open automatically as you drive over the metal plate or sensor to exit the garage area).
3. If table cloths are wet or soiled, take them home to wash them, but do plan to return them soon.
Arrive at Groome Building by 10:15 a.m. to set up. Each member of the assigned committee should bring a substantial dish to ensure enough food at potluck. Someone should also bring cider or cold drinks, and you can use the leftover drinks in the downstairs refrigerator in the Meetinghouse.
Set up tables
Initial prep for the tables
Final prep for tables
After potluck, which could be around 1:00, 1:15, or even later. Note: Potluck ends when about half the diners have left, and the rest are beginning to get up from the table.
These instructions are provided to help guide your committee. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the clerk of the Fellowship and Hospitality Committee. (Names and contact information available on the inside cover of the BFM Directory.)