Bethesda Friends Meeting

Donate Online Now

Donate using the

credit card form below

Donate via PayPal

You can donate to Bethesda Friends via the credit card form below or using the PayPal Donate button.  BFM appreciates all financial support. Please be aware that BFM does pay a credit card fee of 3% using the form below. 

If you use PayPal, you can use your credit card (with an accompanying fee to BFM) or you can connect PayPal to your bank for a direct donation with no fee.

If you would prefer to pay by check, please read these directions

CREDIT CARD FORM Instructions:

  1. Enter the amount of the donation (type the dollars and cents with a decimal point, but do not enter a dollar sign).
  2. Designate "where" you would like your donation to go.
  • "I would like this donation to be used for..."  
  • When you make a contribution, you can choose to designate it to one of these categories:
      1. Regular BFM Budget Needs (money used for upkeep of the Meeting).
      2. Social Concerns box (money used for a specific Social Concern as listed here).
      3. Spring Fling (Ramallah Friends School)
      4. Mary Jane Simpson Scholarship Fund
      5. BYM Camp Opequon Special Campaign
      6. Other (please specify) 
  • "Designation" box
    • Please fill in the "Designation" box, writing in the specific program(s) you would like the donation to go towards. 
    • To direct money to a specific Social Concern donation, tell us the name of the Social Concern
    • If you choose "Restricted Funds," please type in the box how the funds are to be used.
    • If you choose "Regular BFM budget needs," you are donating the money toward the upkeep of the Meeting and also to support of a variety of BFM social concerns (as outlined in BFM's annual budget, which includes some charities). 
  • AFTER YOU SUBMIT THE FORM, you will be redirected to a page to pay via your credit card. 

Questions using this form?  Please write to us using our "Contact us" form

    Questions about your contribution?  Please contact the BFM Treasurer or use the "Contact us" form on this website. All questions are confidential.

      Donate Now Form (by credit card using BFM's AffiniPay account)

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      * Mandatory fields

      Contact Information

      *First Name
      Middle Name
      *Last Name
      *Address Line 1
      Address Line 2
      *Zip Code
      Home Phone
      Style: ###-###-#### (no parens)
      Work Phone
      Style: ###-###-#### (no parens)
      Mobile Phone
      Style: ###-###-#### (no parens)
      *Email Address
      *Donation Amount (consider adding 3% to cover the credit card fee) ($USD)
      If desired, add 3% to cover the credit card fee. For $100, add $3, etc.
       Payment frequency
      Type the Social Concern or other use of Restricted funds here:
      In Memory or Honor of
      Comment or other designation

      Bethesda Friends Meeting

      Mailing Address:
      P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

      Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

      We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
      Contact Us

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