Bethesda Friends Meeting

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Parenting in a Challenging Time

  • January 12, 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EST)
  • Common Room (Behind Multipurpose room in Groome Building)

Parenting in a Challenging Time, session 2, from 11:00 a.m. to noon, on Sunday, January 12, in the common room behind the Multi-purpose/Cafeteria Room in the Groome Building (cross the cafeteria and go through the stairwell that is to the right of the kitchen and left of the stage).

This session, which will build on our first session, will be another opportunity for parents (and grandparents) to share with one another their questions, experiences, and concerns as they raise their children in the light of Quaker faith and practice, and in a social/political climate that can be quite challenging. At our meeting last fall, parents had some ideas about how BFM could better support families. In addition, parents generated and discussed some queries, including “How do we keep our children safe without scaring them?” and “How do we help kids understand the reasons for our behavioral standards?” This latter could be continued, as we only touched on it briefly. And in the interim, another suggestion came: “How do we communicate our unconditional love, even as we set some standards for behavior and effort?” Other possible queries include: “Which of the Quaker testimonies are most relevant to you, as you raise your children?” “How do you talk to your children about some of the more troubling things that they hear about going on in the world?” Other queries welcome! Please join us for what we hope will be a free-flowing sharing of experiences, joys, challenges, and insights. All parents (of whatever age children) are welcome. (Young children will be cared for in the Child Care room; older children in outdoor Supervised Play.)

Bethesda Friends Meeting

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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