Bethesda Friends Meeting

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Effective, Spirit-led Quaker Committees

  • March 29, 2020
  • 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
  • Groome Building "common area classroom"

How do we run committees that are both effective and Spirit-led? On Sunday, March 29, at 9:30 a.m., in the Groome Building classroom behind the stage, we will use queries to bring both our collective wisdom and challenges to bear on how we discern our work in BFM committees: as clerks, members, and potential participants.

Potential queries include:

  • What is the optimal blend of good secular meeting management and the additional elements that self-governing Quakers bring to such work?
  • What kind of clerking encourages the best contributions and broadest engagement by committee members?
  • What are pitfalls in clerking?
  • Which Quaker traditions encourage and which hinder effective committee deliberation and the well being of the Meeting as a whole in the current age?
  • What is the balance between individual initiative and group process?

Please bring your own questions to the workshop. For details: Alex Bell (see Directory).

 The location is in the "common area classroom" in the Groome Building (enter the building via the patio & breezeway, go across the cafeteria to the left side of the stage, then pass through the stairwell into the classroom area).  This room is wheelchair accessible. 

If you'd like child care through Grade 6 while attending, please use the "Contact Us" form or email Marion H. (see Directory) 7 days in advance.

Bethesda Friends Meeting

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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