Bethesda Friends Meeting

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Reflections on the FCNL Legislative Priorities in the Next Congress

  • March 13, 2022
  • 12:00 PM
  • via zoom

For every new US Congressional Session, the Friends Committee on National Legislation asks Meetings for recommendations on their legislative priorities. This time, it is for the 118th Congress that begins in January 2023, and our input is due before April 12. Input from Meetings and others across the country are taken very seriously. For details, see We are asked to identify 7 priorities of 30 words or less. It may help to see what the legislative priorities are for the current Congress: (note that the order of these priorities does not reflect their comparative importance)

  • Promote peacebuilding by emphasizing diplomacy and honoring treaties and by working towards peaceful prevention and resolution of violent conflict, especially in the Middle East.
  • Confront the paradigm of global militarism, demilitarize space, reduce military spending, limit the spread of conventional weapons, prevent armed interventions, repeal the Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs), and reassert Congress’ oversight role.
  • Promote nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
  • Advocate for a justice system that is just and equitable, eliminates mass incarceration and police brutality, and establishes law-enforcement that is community-oriented and demilitarized.
  • Ensure that the U.S. immigration system promotes and respects the rights, safety, humanity, and dignity of all immigrants, refugees and migrants.
  • Support equitable access for all to participate in open, secure, and transparent political and electoral processes, protect the integrity of our democratic institutions and processes, and work to ensure honesty and accountability of elected and appointed officials.
  • End gun violence by supporting policies that are informed by public health best practices.
  • Witness and advocate for American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian rights and concerns. Honor the treaties and promises.
  • Address structural economic inequality through measures such as a fair and progressive tax system, a living wage for all, and an adequate social safety net.
  • Prioritize programs that meet basic needs including universal access to quality affordable health-care, a necessity magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Strengthen environmental protections and advance environmental justice, while recognizing the finite capacity of the earth and the need to protect human, animal and plant diversity.
  • Promote sustainable, science-based solutions to the climate crisis and prioritize international cooperation to achieve global sustainability goals and protect vulnerable populations.

There will be two opportunities to reflect on these and other possible priorities. One will be at the rise of Meeting on Sunday, March 13 (with the same Zoom link as Meeting for Worship). The other will be at the Peace & Social Justice Committee meeting on Sunday, March 27, at 9:00 a.m.

Bethesda Friends Meeting

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P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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