Bethesda Friends Meeting

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  • Protecting the Planet and the Health of Our Families: Speeding DC's Transition Off Gas

Protecting the Planet and the Health of Our Families: Speeding DC's Transition Off Gas

  • October 23, 2022
  • 12:30 PM
  • Friends Meeting of Washington or by Zoom

Join the Friends Meeting of Washington (FMW) Committee on Peace & Social Concerns and DC activist and faith leaders on Sunday, October 23 at 12:30 p.m. for a report-back, teach-in, and strategy session on the growing campaign to speed DC's transition off gas and towards a sustainable future. The program is in-person at FMW (masks and vaccination required) and Zoom participation is also available. Please register here.

Bethesda Friends Meeting

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 30152, Bethesda MD 20824

Our Meetinghouse is on the campus of the Sidwell Friends Lower School at the intersection of Edgemoor Lane and Beverly Road in Bethesda, Maryland

We are a member organization of the Religious Society of Friends
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